
A Roadmap: The Geriatric Assessment & Care Plan

Geriatric Assessment

The Geriatric Assessment is a comprehensive multidisciplinary evaluation of your loved one to identify current and potential future health and well-being challenges and needs.

The Assessment includes:

  • Review of your loved one’s medical record and conversations with doctors and other healthcare providers
  • Conversations with family members and others who are able to provide insight into your relative’s situation as it relates to the care recipient and to themselves
  • Deep discussion (if possible and/or appropriate) with the care recipient about the direction they want to take during their life journey

The Geriatric Care Plan is a roadmap to follow as health and well-being challenges are addressed. It is a dynamic document that is subject to change when circumstances change.

The Plan includes:

  • A detailed care plan driven by objectives with recommended action steps. It focuses on the physical, mental, social, and emotional well-being of the care recipient.
  • Advice for the family who chooses to form a family caregiving team or to guide an outside care team

An assessment and care plan provided by a licensed gerontologist can usher in peace of mind that the steps you take to help your loved one are backed by experienced healthcare professionals. This multidisciplinary approach to care for your relative has the spill-over advantage of making life a lot more comfortable for you, too.

Kathy Faenzi has spent over 17 years in clinical gerontology consultation and care management direction.

Kathy truly cares about her clients and their needs. She is in the perfect role for help with finding solutions for your loved ones. I highly recommend her as she is the best person I know suited to help one find the best outcome for the people we care most about.

Dr. Meg Spicer, DC – Chiropractor